Jul 27, 2009

The Picnic Basket

My book is featured on The Picnic Basket, a blog for teachers and librarians! Check it out!


Jul 22, 2009

Holocaust memoirs debunked

Here's a very interesting article on Sharon Sergeant, an adjunct faculty member in Boston University’s genealogical research program, who has helped debunk three fraudulent Holocaust memoirs.

I can't help but wonder what makes people write a false accounting of the Holocaust?


Jul 20, 2009

5 Laws of Being a Novelist

Check out this editorial in today's Boston Globe. It's always nice to know other novelists share your pain!


Jul 8, 2009

For horse people.... my first guest blog about judging

I'm going to be guest-blogging for Bigeq.com about my perspective as a horse show judge. My first blog is up... stay tuned for more! And feel free to contact me with any ideas you'd like to see me write about in future blogs!
